Prayer, Plain and Simple

February 17, 2010 Day 47 Weight: 197 lbs Weight lost: -9 lbs   Today is Mardi Gras, “Fat Tuesday.” Eat, drink, be merry! My wife Jill and I once spent a Mardi Gras in New Orleans. “Wild” does not describe it. It’s a strange celebration, “Fat Tuesday,” this day before the beginning of Lent. Lent is…

Alex Ness is a writer, poet, and social critic. Recently Alex interviewed me about my book, The Karma of Jesus. Here are some excerpts: AN: You’re saying that “Grace trumps Karma.” Isn’t it a bit foolish, to argue one unproven religious principle with yet another one?  Karma exists or doesn’t every bit as much as…

Today is Presidents Day 2010. Our first president, George Washington was a man of deep faith and prayer. Here’s an excerpt from Washington’s prayer journal. O eternal and everlasting God, I presume to present myself this morning before thy Divine majesty, beseeching thee to accept of my humble and hearty thanks, that it hath pleased…

Alex Ness is a writer, poet, and social critic. Recently Alex interviewed me about my book, The Karma of Jesus. Here are some excerpts: AN: Doesn’t the fact that with Karma you get moral people and with Christianity you get guilty people seeking forgiveness suggest to you that one is a positive belief and the…

Alex Ness is a writer, poet, and social critic. Recently Alex interviewed me about my book, The Karma of Jesus. Here are some excerpts: AN: You suggest in your book “The Karma of Jesus” that there is a certain symmetry by which karma works that is broken by Jesus.   What do you mean by that?…

February 12, 2010 Day 42 Weight: 197 lbs Weight lost: -9 lbs   I’ve been focused on food. I’m taking communion every day, just to see what would happen in my life – particularly what would happen in my relationship with food. I love food, I admit. But at times it has come to rule…

Earlier news broke that Former President Bill Clinton was hospitalized due to chest discomforts. He has since undergone a heart procedure to place two stents in one of his coronary arteries. Please join us in prayer as we pray for his post-op comfort and recovery. Heavenly Father, We first and foremost thank you for the…

Today, on the first day of New York Fashion week, the fashion world received the tragic news  that British fashion designer, Alexander McQueen, was found dead in his flat in Central London. The avant garde designer was only 40 years old. He was considered a brilliant mind among his peers in the industry and his supporters both young…

February 8, 2010 Day 39 Weight: 199 lbs Weight lost: -7 lbs I’m static, parked now for more than a week at this level. I’m still taking communion daily. I’m still finding myself conscience of what I eat. But I’m not dropping pounds. Okay, what’s up? It’s time for an exercise in displacement. Displacement is…

A second major winter storm is hitting Washington and Eastern seaboard. Snow, wind and slush are hounding commuters again today as blizzard warnings from Baltimore to New York City herald the arrival of another historic storm – more than 10 inches of new snow on top of the 30 inches that fell just a few…

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