Prayer, Plain and Simple

An earthquake with a magnitude of 3.8 hit rumbled through the suburbs of Chicago, the windy city, this morning. Damage was minimal; fear was not. While there are many more ominous disasters of note in the world today, the fear and even panic sparked by even a small earthquake is a very real thing. And…

Alex Ness is a writer, poet, and social critic. Recently Alex interviewed me (Mark Herringshaw) about my book, “The Karma of Jesus.” Here is another excerpt: AN: People use the word “Karma” in many ways. What does it actually mean, in your frame of reference? MH: Karma is an ancient Hindu word; the complete concept is…

February 10, 2010 Day 41 Weight: 199 lbs Weight lost: -7 lbs I love chocolate. I like coffee. I prefer to drink my coffee with a “shot” of chocolate. This morning I’ve parked at my butt at Caribou Coffee to plow through a procrastinated stack of emails… and to add this post to my blog.…

A few weeks ago, we posted an update on David Hames, the Compassion International volunteer who was buried under the rubble of the Hotel Montana following the massive earthquake in Haiti. It is with a heavy heart that we provide you with the following update about David. It is my hope that after reading this and…

Alex Ness is a writer, poet, and social critic. Recently Alex interviewed me (Mark Herringshaw) about my book, “The Karma of Jesus.” Here are some excerpts: AN: Whatever possessed you to write a book called “The Karma of Jesus?” MH: The brainstorm sideswiped me after I was heckled in church. I am a pastor and…

At about 11:30 this morning, an explosion occurred at an under-construction power plant in Middletown, Connecticut. Details have been ever-changing in regards to the injuries and fatalities caused by the explosion. Currently, the number of casualties is at 13. Please join us as we pray for the family and friends of those affected by this…

This morning President Barack Obama held court at the annual National Prayer Breakfast. Please see the transcript below. REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENTAT THE NATIONAL PRAYER BREAKFAST Washington HiltonWashington, D.C. 9:08 A.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Thank you very much. Please be seated. Thank you so much. Heads of state, Cabinet members, my outstanding Vice…

Sell your Toyota stock…Now! Toyota has problems. Big problems. Not only do are the accelerators in millions of their cars prone to stick, they now admit design problems in the brake system of the Prius. When it rains it rains fire from heaven and hell… No surprise. Stuff does go wrong. When we humans build…

I was lecturing once during a Saturday evening church gathering and five minutes into my talk a young man in his twenties spoke up out of the audience.    “Does God really forgive sin?” he asked.   I stopped in mid sentence. Everyone else in the room leaned forward to see how the preacher might handle…

February 3, 2010 Day 32 Weight: 198 lbs Weight lost: -8 lbs   I don’t believe in magic; I do believe in miracles. I don’t believe in luck; I do believe in favor. I don’t believe in Karma; I do believe in Grace. I don’t believe in mystery; I do believe in wonder. I’m not…

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