Prayer, Plain and Simple

The Eucharist Diet: Rebounding   February 2, 2010 Day 31 Weight: 200 lbs Weight lost: -6 lbs   Just a quick report for anyone still interested: I’m parked at 200 lbs, down from my original 206 lbs. I’m staying true to my experimental discipline. “The Eucharist Diet” adventure is my six month experiment taking daily…

It’s Groundhog Day and Puxatony Phil saw his shadow this morning. Bad news: we’re facing six more weeks of winter… No surprise, especially for us living in Minnesota where it will probably be more like 12 weeks. I woke this morning to 2 inches of fresh snow. I got my cardio exercise early shoveling our…

Ari Derfel didn’t throw away his garbage, on purpose. For 12 months the 35 year-old catering company owner stored all his waste inside his Berkley, California apartment. Derfel struck upon the idea after looking for statistics about how much refuse each human produces. Unimpressed with the abstract data, he decided to see for himself –…

We pray still for crisis in Haiti. The magnitude of the trauma is numbing. Yet behind the scenes sprawling across our televisions and computer screens we catch the horror of real, personal tragedies. It’s pain we can only begin to imagine., if we will allow ourselves. “God, help us to continue to care…” This is…

A shattered relationship… Financial struggles… Health problems… Family strife… Is there a reason?  Is there a way out? Some people explain trouble by saying… We reap what we sow. The other shoe drops. To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  What goes around comes around. This is an ancient idea sometimes called…

  Karma’s a bitch… Unyielding. Relentless. Unflinching. Pure and absolute justice. If Karma matters, I’m doomed, dead, and damned. But for Jesus… Jesus became the toxic waste dump of the universe. I give him my Karma, and he suffers in my place. Then he gives me his Karma – infinite goodness, purity, joy, peace, and the…

January 28, 2010 Day 27 Weight: 198 lbs Weight lost: -8 lbs “Lead me not into temptation…” My friend Mindy – her office is next to mine – just returned from a trip to Israel. The day she flew home she purchased a “gift” for our office, a luxury box of assorted baklava, Heavenly and…

Last week, we published a story about two Compassion International volunteers who were in Haiti when the earthquake hit. They each were only separated by a couple of feet when the earthquake hit, but only one of them, Dan Woolley, has been recovered from the rubble of the Hotel Montana. Woolley’s story was widely covered because…

Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day, 2010. We pause to pay our respects, to vow that such a terror will never happen again, to pay honor to the survivors and their families, and to pray for God’s justice and mercy and blessing in the face of the scars we all still bear for this grave…

Wow, earn Karma for window shopping! What a concept: turn your life around with charitable consumerism. Here’s how it’s suppose to work: CauseWorld is offering a free location-based application for the Apple iPhone and Android phones that allows you to gain points, or “Karmas” by walking into a store. You can get these “Karmas” at…

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