Prayer, Plain and Simple

Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow and his mother will appear in a Super Bowl commercial on CBS that makes a clear pro-life statement. It’s a remarkable coalition, and progressives are in a tizzy. The ad purportedly tells the story of Tebow’s mother who ignored a recommendation by doctors to abort her fifth child and gave birth to…

January 26, 2010 Day 25 Weight: 198 lbs Weight lost: -8 lbs   Surprised this morning… Down two more pounds! Okay, I’ll take it. And I even had seconds on stir fry and rice for dinner last night… Communion is remarkable, if you really think about it. Often in our church experience with Eucharist we…

The idea labeled “Karma” seems to be embedded in the universe, and in our own understanding of the universe. We do reap what we sow. What goes around does come around. The other shoe always, eventually drops. The ancient philosophers both east and west who first gave forms and names to this understanding did recognize the bad news inherent here. If I’m…

January 25, 2010 Day 24 Weight: 200 lbs Weight lost: -6 lbs   What is hunger? Looking at the horrid pictures of the broken people of Haiti, I’m convinced I do not truly know. “God, teach me to see the emptiness deep in my in order to more eagerly desire you, and to more completely sense your…

January 22, 2010 Day 21 Weight: 199 lbs Weight lost: -7 lbs I’ve fallen below the benchmark threshold of 200 lbs! I think I’ll celebrate with something chocolate… I can’t figure – exactly – how this is happening, except to credit it to my experiment. I’m finding myself no longer ravenous for everything edible. Enough seems…

Last October I released my latest book, “The Karma of Jesus.” In December I recorded an audio version of the book. Now, for a limited period, my publisher, Bethany House, is offering a free download of this unabridged reading of the book.   To download go to and follow the prompts. You can also order the “hard” version online…

“Why, God?” Looking at pictures of the pain and sorrow in Haiti, that’s our natural question. We want to know why a loving and all powerful God would allow such devastation. Be honest now. All of us want to know this… But “Why, God?” is a question God seldom addresses. It’s a prayer he seldom answers.…

I apologize for Pat Robertson’s foul mouth.  The man needs discretion, to say the least. And if Dr. Robertson cannot find enough “fruit of the Spirit” growing in his own soul – particularly self control – then perhaps prudent brothers and sisters should remind him of the responsibility he bears managing the bully pulpit he…

January 20, 2010 Day 19 Weight: 200 lbs Weight lost: -6 lbs   One more pound burned off and honestly, I don’t know how… I ate three handfuls of M & Ms yesterday too… and a piece of carrot cake, though I did turn down a piece of chocolate cake… I’m still pondering the wonder…

Ephesians 5:19 encourages us to speak to one another with songs, psalms and spiritual songs, making music to the Lord in your hearts. In fulfillment of this verse, the Rev. Carolyn Winfrey Gillette and her husband Bruce wrote “In Haiti There is Anguish” to be sung to the hymn “Beneathe the Cross of Jesus”. It…

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