Prayer, Plain and Simple

January 19, 2010 Day 18 Weight: 201 lbs Weight lost: -5   Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this [natural] water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” Down…

It has been one week since the 7.0-magnitude earthquake hit Haiti. The death toll is ever increasing and the destruction has yet to be rebuilt, but despite these perilous conditions there is still an outpouring of compassion from people of all stripes. That outpouring includes ’round the clock prayer from people of many faiths. In…

“To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Today we remember the birthday of a great American, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We will hear a great deal about the man and his mission over the next hours. And…

January 18, 2010 Day 17 Weight: 202 lbs Weight lost: -4   “All the fat belongs to the Lord,” Leviticus 3:16. This morning the temperature on the thermostat outside the kitchen window reads 16 degrees. I wish I was in Kona today. As I stepped out to pick up the newspaper on the front step…

Let’s pray for Haiti at halftime… The numbers look like…  numbers, and nothing more. 100,000 is a symbol, cold and distant. Pictures and videos taken in Haiti this week help us put human faces to the dark tragedy. But even the best photojournalist cannot relay the full scope of this catastrophe.  Today I will divert my attention…

January 17, 2010 Day 16 Weight: 202 lbs Weight lost: -4 My father died one year ago last April.  I miss him.  He passed along to me so many aspects of my life: a love for baseball, my eye color, and even my lifelong alliance with food as a means of something more than mere…

January 16, 2010 Day 15 Weight: 202 lbs Weight lost: -4   Down two more pounds since I’ve posted last. Jill (my wife) and I have been away on a prayer/planning retreat in the woods of Northwest Wisconsin. We ate simply there and took communion each night with whatever leftover bread we had from dinner…

Yesterday evening at 5:00PM, a magnitude-7.0 earthquake hit Haiti, destroying much of the capital, Port Au Prince. Many buildings have been destroyed or sustained extreme structural damage, many have been injured and the body count is innumerable. Within the last 16 years, Haiti has been the bore the brunt of catastrophic natural disasters that have…

Every year in January my wife Jill and I take 3-4 days away in a cabin somewhere in the woods as a “working retreat.” We’ve done this now for about 20 years and it’s one the things we most look forward to. Our objective is to pray and then plan our year. We take our…

January 11, 2010 Day 10 Weight: 203 lbs Weight lost: -3   Come, all you who are thirsty,        come to the waters;        and you who have no money,        come, buy and eat!        Come, buy wine and milk        without money and without cost. Why spend money on what is not bread,…

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