Prayer, Plain and Simple

Disgraced ex-baseball star Mark McGwire finally sobbed out his steroid confession yesterday. No one was the least surprised; no one should be the least bit impressed.   I once cheered for McGwire who hit 583 career home runs with Oakland and St. Louis, and is best known for his 1998 record-breaking home run duel with…

Brit Hume is still catching Hell for his public comments that Tiger Woods should consider converting to Christianity from Buddhism. Hume implies that Woods’ belief in an impersonal “Force” running the Universe leaves him no room for redemption. If Karma is all and in all, then atonement short of our own efforts is impossible. And…

January 11, 2010 Day 10 Weight: 204 lbs Weight lost: -2   “I have food you know not of…” John 4:31   I’m in a reflective mood this morning, needing to ponder and pen some basics, to remind myself what I’m doing here and why. Bear with me…   I love to eat.  The tastes,…

The Eucharist Diet Adventure: A six month experiment taking daily communion and tracking the results in my personal life, relationships, health, and body fat percentage.    January 10, 2010 Day 9 Weight: 204 lbs Weight lost: -2 Report: I’m parked at 204 lbs, another achievement given the wedding feast we enjoyed last night. After the main…

Let’s pray for Christians in Malaysia. In the last two days Muslims in this Islamic nation have turned violent, firebombing four Christian churches following a court decision that allows Christians to translate the word for God as Allah. “Allah is only for us,” said a poster waved at one of the protests stated in mosques…

Earlier today someone posted a comment on the blog topic I’ve been calling “The Eucharist Diet” – a day to day report of my practice of taking daily communion and the corresponding results on my weight. I thought this question was worth highlighting and addressing:   “Hi. I’ve been following your efforts with great interest. I recently gained around 5 pounds…

January 9, 2010 Day 8 Weight: 204 lbs Weight lost: -2 lbs Now I know something “different” is happening. This morning I weighed in again and found – to my stunned surprise – that I was down another one pound, to 204 lbs. This baffles me because1) I did not exercise yesterday and 2) last night…

January 8, 2010 Day 7 Weight: 205 Weight lost: -1 “I have a kind of food you know nothing about… My nourishment comes from doing the will of God.” (Jesus, in John 4:32,34). There’s food, and then there is “food.” The oatmeal I had for breakfast has – I’m told – 250 calories, or units of energy.…

January 7, 2010 Day 6 Weight: 206 Weight lost: 0 I weighed in and I’m parked at 206 lbs. Okay… I’m still taking communion each day and praying for my meals. The place and time and company with which I share the Eucharist are differing from day to day, but I’ve been consistent, so far.…

Brit Hume has chutzpah, gotta give him that. If you haven’t heard, Hume recently challenged Tiger Woods to replace his Buddhism – which he claims doesn’t offer true atonement and forgiveness – with Christianity – which he says does offer atonement and forgiveness. Woods, says Hume needs a new path. The PC crowd has gone ballistic. Of all…

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