Prayer, Plain and Simple

Earlier this morning a disgruntled employee stormed the ABB power company in St. Louis, Missouri and killed two people and injured five others. The suspect is also believed to be dead, but authorities are awaiting confirmation from the family. Please join us in prayer for the family and friends of the victims and suspect. Heavenly…

I’d love to be in Las Vegas today, both to escape the bitter cold gripping Minnesota and to attend the Consumer Electronic Show and check out the new whiz bang gadgets soon to be available to all us gullible customers of novelty.  I admit it would be fun to see the outer limits of our…

January 6, 2010 Day 5 Weight: 206 Weight lost: 0 No change from yesterday, which is not a bad thing given the fact they had a piece of Mile’s chocolate cake after dinner last night. Oh, I have rendered a verdict: The standard shall henceforth be the second scale I used yesterday. Which means I…

January 5, 2010 Day 4 Weight: 206* Weight lost: 4 pounds*  For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do…

After being on vacation for two weeks today is my first day back in the office. While I was on vacation I imagined how I might dread coming back to cold New York and my office instead of being in relatively warm Florida doing alot of nothing. But this morning, I woke up with a resolve…

Burj Dubai, the world’s tallest building, is set to open today in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Although the exact height of the Burj Dubai (Arabic for Dubai Tower) is a closely guarded secret, at more than 2,625 feet, it far surpasses its nearest rival, the Taipei 101 in Taiwan.   We humans are always pushing…

January 4, 2010 Day 3 Last night was a mega-challenge for my new diet adventure, and a perfect test for my theory. Jill, my wife invited about 20 of my friends over to celebrate my 50th birthday. By January 2nd everyone is usually partied out and ready to move on with normal life – including…

I still weigh 210 pounds… but I’m making progress: I’m hungry this morning and I’m not running full speed to fix it. That’s progress… Jesus began hungry.  Hunger I suppose is not a bad thing. Hunger is just a signal, a message, a motivation. Yes, hunger turns my mind and my focus. Hunger gets my…

“God, bless the Irish Atheists…”   No tongue in cheek here. Truly… it’s the right response…   News today: An Irish atheist group is challenging a new law against blasphemy by publishing on its website 25 quotations it claims mock God.  The law took effect on New Year’s Day, making blasphemy a crime punishable by…

Today is January 2, 2010, my 50th birthday, and I weigh 210 pounds.  Evidently, that’s a problem.  According to a chart I found online I shouldn’t lug more than 185 pounds. By other metrics I am reasonably fit.  I ran the Twin Cities Marathon a year ago. I set no record, but I finished. I’m…

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