So, Baylor University says, 20 percent of Americans are convinced that the Creator of the Universe, He Who Holds Existence in His Mind, the Prime Mover, i.e., God . . . actively involves Himself in the world’s economy. And, one in five Americans believe The Lord really, really likes the “free market” concept. You know, the…

It’s inevitable. There you are, possibly dozing off mid-way through your pastor’s sermon when he pulls this out of his ecclesiastical hat: “In the original Greek” . . . or original Hebrew, or Aramaic, etc. So much for those Sunday morning daydreams. Time to pay attention, because just as inevitable is that there will be…

Stress. Worry. Sleepless nights. These plagues of the psyche are as common to humankind as the need to breathe, eat and love. And just as true, the former also are proven to be detrimental to the latter. Too much stress can, quite literally, shorten your life. Worry? Researchers have found that when it becomes consuming,…

There was a time, many years ago now, when I used to watch Pat Robertson’s “700 Club” and think it was a pretty good program. It had inspiring stories of faith, outreach and emergency aid programs. It was an example of Christian activism in the community. It till offers those things, but at some point,…

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