Plainly, no one can confidently predict how large a factor racist attitudes will play in the November presidential election.  In the privacy of the voting booth, people’s fears and prejudices may be more powerful than the marked (and widely documented) shifts in both American law and American culture these last 40 years or so.  How…

O God, here we go again, I thought as news wires began to sketch the tragedy played out in Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church last week.  My reaction would have been the same had the needless loss of lives occurred in a university, a business office, a government building or elsewhere. The basic ingredients are…

In my last  post, I asked how one decided which is the most important political issue and who he/she should vote for for president.   I learned from my readings of the Bible to “Love thy neighbor” and that “I am my brother’s keeper.”  So as a society, are we practicing His teachings in the political arena and in…

The proprietors of Progressive Revival have encouraged us original bloggers to comment on a post by pastordan at Street Prophets offering a conditional disparagement of the ideological disposition of this crew.  Since Pastordan singled me out for abuse as nothing more than a “DLC hack,” guess I should rise to a point of personal privilege by responding. …

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