You are (you are) not aloneYou dont have to do this on your ownOne Love Agape One Love Agape Solo(w) it can feel like were coming apartTogether were much more than the sum of our partsOne Love Agape One love Agape – “One Love” by the Flobots Outside of the perimeter of both the…

In the interest of full disclosure, as they say, I will admit my collusion with showmanship at the very beginning of this article: The fact is that I watched the opening night of the Democratic Convention from 6:00pm to midnight. But I’m not sure what I saw or what it had to do with whether…

Wives of politicans are supposed to cast light on a different side of their husbands.  In the tough and tumble world of politics where candidates are expected to be tough and unblinking, voters (according to conventional wisdom) want to be assured that the candidate has a softer, regular-guy side also. One that only his wife and children can prove that’s there. That’s what…

Michele Obama made a beautiful speech tonight.  Her life story was new to me and equally moving to the now more familiar story of Barack Obama.  She was so intelligent, passionate and attractive that it made me wonder for a moment if we had selected the wrong Obama.    She reminded us that this  same…

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