Missing from the vocabulary of tonight’s presidential debate on foreign relations and the economy were such small terms as God, religion, and faith – there wasn’t even a God Bless America.   I co-direct the Program on Religion, Diplomacy, and International Relations at the Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination at Princeton University.  Religion is playing a…

Rabbis of antiquity interpreted the attempt by humanity to build a Tower of Babel that would allow people to storm heaven as a symbol of human hubris and technological power gone crazy. It was globalization for the sake of power, not for the sake of kindness or goodness, so,  according to the Bible, God ensured…

With media attention directed toward the largest economic story in recent American history, other stories are falling by the way.  One of the most interesting–and surely least understood–is the story of Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin’s religious faith. As a mainline Protestant whose faith values pluralism, I confess that I have been reluctant to…

I hope both Senators Obama and McCain show up for the debate at Ole Miss. Its important to see our two choices together, interacting, answering the same questions. Showcasing why they should be President is pretty much their job right now. Walking away from debating before the American people, when the choice we must make…

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