Trends in Candidate Preferences Among Religious Groups Oct. 2, 2008 The latest survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press includes analysis of the candidate preferences of major religious groups. These charts, based on People-Press surveys conducted on the dates indicated, will be updated as the Center’s new surveys are released. You can…

Who’s afraid of Sarah Palin? And her faith? I’m one of those who thinks all the hand-wringing about her supposedly ideological right-wing faith is way overblown. Could she be a right-wing religious ideologue if in office? Perhaps she’d follow the script if that’s what she was told to do. But what really emerges from a review of her statements…

I haven’t been very well lately and took time off from writing and teaching. But last night — on the anniversary of 9/11 and as part of Unity Worldwide’s World Day of Prayer — I started my fall teaching season with a one-night Dharma Talk at the Unity Church’s Temple on the Plaza in Kansas…

John Green, Dan Gilgoff, and Steven Waldman just released this breakdown and analysis of the 12 religious voting blocks and their potential effect on the 2008 election.  What a shock for those of us on the “religious left” who have been laboring for decades feeling that we are outnumbered and under siege to realize that our numbers (12.7%)…

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