This is just a bit more grist for the Rick Warren debate.   Just as he took the side of the anti-gay bishops in Africa, Rick Warren has welcomed the anti-gay churches in America who are choosing to leave the Episcopal church only because of the wider church’s inclusions of Gay people.  … [The Episcopal…

My friend Eboo Patel, the executive director of the Interfaith Youth Core, wrote a great piece on the On Faith blog at the Washington Post.  He has three status quo approaches that continue the cycle of violence and then contrasts them with four solution approaches that he proposes to break through the deadlock.  I wonder…

President Elect Obama gave the American people an injection of much needed hope for the moral underpinnings of our country at this press conference. It is especially striking in contrast to Dick Cheney.    ‘Under my Administration the United States does not torture, we will abide by the Geneva conventions, we will uphold our highest values and…

Steve Waldman asks the question whether the current crisis will split the religious left.  He predicts: “Most likely what will happen next is that an over-reaction from the Protestant left will prompt American Jews into an uncomfortable (but familiar) defensive crouch in which they suppress their anguish and in many cases disgust about Israel and…

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