Pesident Obama will give the commencement address at Notre Dame.  The Bishop of South Bend, John D’Arcy has decided to not attend (boycott is the more provacative term).  But my guess is that the real excitment will come from the anti-abortion protesters who infiltrate themselves into the audience and call him a murderer one? two? three? times? times. 

My thoughts one this are informed by the National Democratic Convention where the opening worship service was interrupted three times by plants in the audience standing up and calling out “Obama kills babies” and the like, and the then senator wasn’t even in the room.  My guess is that at Notre Dame, when the President is right there, it will be too tempting not to make a statement.  The problem for anti-abortion activists is that this generally pisses off people so much that they unwittingly aid the pro-choice movement. 

Any guesses?  You can put them below and we’ll check back in May.  For the record I think it will be three times. But that is just my trinitarian impulse. 

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