This seriously upsetting article in the New York Times Sunday paper chronicles the increasing influence of the religious right in Israeli’s armed forces and its affect on the execution of the war on Gaza.  Especially chilling is the quote from the Chief Rabbi of the military Gen. Avichai Rontzki who enouraged the slogan: “He is…

This is a wonderful video for anyone who cars about the civil rights of all people.  It puts to rest the false idea that African Americans are more homophobic than other Americans.   Homophobia has no race and bigotry towards gay people is equal opportunity.  Julian Bond is an American hero and we thank God for him. …

Many years ago, at a party in Los Angeles, I had the pleasure of speaking for a while to Natasha Richardson.    What I remember is how kind and gentle she was. I realized her pedigree — that she was Vanessa Redgrave’s daughter — and throughout our conversation, I silently marveled at her humility and authenticity.    …

I remember coming out from my New York City apartment the day after 9/11.  In those days immediately after the attack, New Yorkers talked to random people in the street and a passerby turned to me and said – I’m thinking that Saddam is behind this.   For the next year, the Bush administration fed this…

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