Today is the 50th anniversary of the Tibetan people’s peaceful uprising against Communist China’s repression in Tibet. Since last March widespread peaceful protests have erupted across the whole of Tibet. Most of the participants were youths born and brought up after 1959, who have not seen or experienced a free Tibet. However, the fact that they…

From the beginning, there have been some religious leaders who greeted the funding of faith-based social services by government with ambivalence. On the one hand, they believed that these religiously grounded programs needed extra funding and were pleased that the White House wanted to help. On the other hand, they had deep concerns about how…

Commemorating March 10 (14th Day, 1st Month, Earth Ox Year, Monlam Chenmo, 2009 C.E.) ********* March 10, 2009 is the 50th commemoration of the Lhasa uprising of 1959, when the Tibetans of Lhasa and pilgrims and refugees from all over Tibet arose and, mostly unarmed, tried to protect the 24 year-old Dalai Lama from being…

Ryan Valentine serves as the Deputy Director for the Texas Freedom Network, a nonpartisan organization of religious and community leaders who advocate a mainstream agenda of religious freedom and individual liberties.   The only thing more controversial than teaching about sex in public schools is teaching about religion and sex. Most teachers and administrators don’t…

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