Last Friday, my family went to see the new Star Trek movie.  We really enjoyed the renewed adventures of Captain Kirk and the starship Enterprise.  We weren’t alone.  The audience in the nearly full theater loved the film.  And it proved a happy surprise for Paramount–Star Trek pulled in twice as much in opening weekend…

I am a feminist because of my mother.   Marylu DeWatteville Raushenbush showed me that a woman is capable of doing anything, and that she should have every right to do what she wants, in every society, everywhere – period.     My mother was making more money than my father when they first got married but it…

Most people think of Mother’s Day as a quaint and conservative holiday honoring 1950s values, a sort of historical throw back to traditional notions of hearth and home. Let’s correct that impression by saying:  Happy Progressive Mother’s Day. In May 1907, Anna Jarvis, a member of a Methodist congregation in Grafton, West Virginia, passed out…

Earlier this week, the Pew Research Center released a survey on the views of religious Americans regarding torture.  They survey found that white evangelical Protestants were the most supportive of torture–only 16% of evangelicals reject the use of torture.  A whopping 62% of white evangelical Protestants think that torture is justified in most or many…

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