During the last few days, Psalm 109:8, a Bible verse in the form of a “prayer for Obama,” has topped the Google trends chart:  “May his days be few; may another take his office.”  Evidently, a bumper sticker emblazoned with this verse has popped up in various parts of the country.  It is a sort…

These Thanksgiving Day Prayers are three of my favorites: For each new morning with its light, For rest and shelter of the night, For health and food, For love and friends, For everything Thy goodness sends. -Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) O God, we thank you for this earth, our home; For the wide sky and…

Obama’s Council on Faith Based Partnerships has fallen off the map – and we need them back.   Nothing exemplifies the sad lack of contribution of this much hailed diverse group of religious leaders than the current impasse on Health Care with the Stupak Abortion amendment.  Even before President Obama took office he was assembling a…

a great series at Open Left by diarist dreaminonempty has been chronicling the future decline and fall of the Republican Party on the basis of demographic trends, ethnic and religious. The post on religious trends had a extensive section on how muslim voting trends, which have been much more volatile in response to policy than…

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