In 1899, Pope Leo condemned “Americanism” as a heresy.  Americanism, a theological development in American Roman Catholicism, was a complex of progressive ideals regarding freedom, separation of church and state, historical criticism and scientific inquiry that attempted to reconcile traditional Christian teachings with what historians call, “the spirit of the age.”  A crisis at the…

Last week, Rep. Shuler and Perriello headlined a press conference hosted by Faith in Public Life featuring a who’s who of the faith community and rolling out the largest paid media campaign ever by progressives targeting faith voters with an ad on Christian radio voiced by Rev. Joel Hunter, (breath) and the group behind the…

Last Friday, my family went to see the new Star Trek movie.  We really enjoyed the renewed adventures of Captain Kirk and the starship Enterprise.  We weren’t alone.  The audience in the nearly full theater loved the film.  And it proved a happy surprise for Paramount–Star Trek pulled in twice as much in opening weekend…

Most people think of Mother’s Day as a quaint and conservative holiday honoring 1950s values, a sort of historical throw back to traditional notions of hearth and home. Let’s correct that impression by saying:  Happy Progressive Mother’s Day. In May 1907, Anna Jarvis, a member of a Methodist congregation in Grafton, West Virginia, passed out…

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