Ok, I had to get a little Jeremiah Wright off my chest because the disgusting behavior of Wall Street while our economy crumbles has made it tough to maintain equanimity.     The rip off disgrace of Bernie Madeoff, the spa adventures of government bailed-out AIG, the $100,000 office antics of Merrill Lynch’s John Thain, – these have…

Bob Herbert wrote his column today in the New York Times about the political power of prayer to make peace in Liberia as documented in Pray the Devil Back to Hell.  The next time someone says to you that religion is the cause of all war – remember that just as often religion is the power…

Benedict XVI continues to take heat on two fronts since last weekend’s reinstatement of four far-right, schismatic bishops: from Catholics anywhere to the left of Franco are upset at the implicit repudiation of Vatican II, and from Jews who are concerned that, in the words of one rabbi, the pontiff has set Catholic-Jewish relations back…

It is not often that one comes across a way to approach the abortion debate that is new…so imagine my surprise and delight when I read the challenging piece on faithfuldemocrats.com that raised theological questions about this debate I had never heard nor considered.   Democrats and progressives have been making significant strides by focusing our…

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