Republicans have a problem… they don’t know who they are. Devastated The 2006 and 2008 election cycles were devastating for the GOP. They went from the Roveian-based belief that they had basically won the political war and Democrats would be no more to more of a “what the hell happened?” In Washington today, Republicans basically…

Mark Driscoll (aka the cussing preacher) was profiled in The New York Times Magazine on Sunday.  Here is an excerpt: “God called Driscoll to preach to men — particularly young men — to save them from an American Protestantism that has emasculated Christ and driven men from church pews with praise music that sounds more…

One of the many blessings I have been afforded over the years was the opportunity to serve and work for Congressman Jim Clyburn of South Carolina. As a white Southerner, this African American Congressman, also of the South, taught me much about putting faith in action… about the true nature and impact of a real…

Max Blumenthal on Daily Beast digs deeper into the work of Rick Warren in Africa.   “Team Obama likes to cite Warren’s work on AIDS in Africa to combat criticism about the controversial pastor. But how does burning condoms in the name of Jesus save lives?” More on Rick Warren in Africa here

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