An earthquake is rocking the Evangelical world as the longtime spokesman and Washington leader of the National Association of Evangelicals has resigned over comments he made to NPR revealing that he voted for Barack Obama (heresy) and he could support civil unions for gays and lesbians (double secret heresy): “I’m shifting, I have to admit,”…

George Bush revealed that his approach to the bible, evolution and to other religions has more in common with liberal protestants than with his fundamentalist political amen corner.  This was made clear in a surprising ABC Nightline interview on Monday. When asked by Cynthia McFadden if he thought the bible was literally true President Bush answered:  …

This graphic from Kevin Drum at Mother Jones (via Secular Right and dotCommonweal) is interesting: The more politically committed people are, the greater the frequency of prayer. One thing it may say is that the idea that conservatives are more “religious” is a canard. Moderation may be no virtue, perhaps. The greater mystery may be…

Did you see this ad in the “A” section of today’s New York Times? After reading it, I am pleased to see the newfound commitment of some of my friends on the right to fight against anti-religious bigotry and violence against houses of worship. These are principles that have been at the core of the…

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