Today, the Sunday before the election, we celebrated All Saints’ Day at church. Because my tradition considers the “saints” to include all of God’s holy people in every time and place, we honor not just the orthodox and canonical saints, but all the faithful who went before us…stumbling, falling, and rising. We praise God for…

The so called “letter from 2012” released by James Dobson is one of the most disingenuous pieces of political rhetoric I have ever encountered. The letter, portrayed as his worst fears, actually reveals the details of his agenda over the next four years. The Religious Right has a proven track record of ripping apart administrations…

Amid the final campaign push, the 10th anniversary of the nation’s landmark covenant on international religious freedom passed largely unnoticed on Monday. That is more than a shame. The International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 (IRFA) was passed by a Republican Congress and signed by a Democratic president who proved to be better promoting this…

Respond to Focus on the Family Action “Letter from 2012 in Obama’s America” James Dobson is promoting a Letter from 2012 purporting to offer a vision after four years of an Obama administration. This letter, filled with doomsday projections, is fearmongering of the worst kind – a sensationalist fiction with almost no basis in reality.…

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