From Huffington Post Terrorist strikes on four American cities. Russia rolling into Eastern Europe. Israel hit by a nuclear bomb. Gay marriage in every state. The end of the Boy Scouts. All are plausible scenarios if Democrat Barack Obama is elected president, according to a new addition to the campaign conversation called “Letter from 2012…

In a now famous exchange with Joe the Plumber (aka Joe Wurzelbacher), Senator Obama said: “I think that when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”  This quote has been the rallying call of the McCain campaign for the last week.  McCain is currently on a “Keep your Wealth” bus tour around Florida…

I was emailing this evening with Jim Wallis. Its always a blessing to hear what’s on Reverend Wallis’ mind. He’s a good friend, great leader, prophetic minister and caring pastor. He mentioned a recent posting of his at God’s Politics. Upon checking it out I was moved by his call to all of us to…

Given war, hunger, and the world-wide economic meltdown, it’s hard for me to have a lot of patience with the ideologues who, once again, have dragged the issue of gay marriage onto my state’s ballot as if it were the most burning issue facing this country.  But I think it’s critical, especially for people of…

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