Governor Palin and her brand of Republicanism are about to overcook my grits.   She and those who drink from the same mug have decided that you are not a real American, maybe you are even anti-American, if you either don’t have the same views as they do or you are from the wrong part…

Marta Cook over at Faithful Democrats just did a great post on the differences between how American families fared during the Clinton and Bush years.   She based her post on a report by Third Way (my favorite of the progressive think tanks).  It’s well worth the time to read the entire post (and report, for…

I have heard of few religious leaders speaking out against the ugliness emerging from the campaign trail, especially on race and violence. That makes this powerful essay in the latest issue of the Jesuit weekly America that much more welcome. It is by Bishop Blase Cupich of Rapid City, S.D and it is titled “Racism and the Election.” It’s all worth…

The Danville Register and Bee–the paper that originally broke the story about Rep. Virgil Goode’s connections with the “gay coming of age” movie, Eden’s Curve, and Goode’s earmarks to its producer–just released a very good editorial explaining their reasons for running the original story and why they believe there are serious ethical issues at play…

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