Roman Catholic Priests are the surprising voices of clarity and conviction in Michael Moore’s new film Capitalism: A Love Story.   The Priests in this documentary, one of whom married Mr. Moore and his wife, aren’t ambivalent – they characterize capitalism as evil.   This must be jarring for most moviegoers who have not had the pleasure…

***update*** Read Thomas Friedman’s piece in today’s New York Times about the parallels between this time in America with President Obama and the time before Rabin was assassinated in Israel in 1995.   As Progressive Revival readers know, I am worried about the level of violent language that is being leveled at our President.  This article from Religious Dispatches…

Senator Inhofe is known for his denial of climate change by relying on an ever dwindling number of scientists who believe that our present global warming is part of a cyclical warming and cooling, and insist that human produced pollution has no affect on this cycle.   The important policy implications of this belief is that…

ABC’s Nightline has been running a series on the Ten Commandments in which they explore the issues and dimensions of each commandment in contemporary society.   Tonight’s commandment:  Thou shalt not commit adultery. The series is interesting and, in many ways, inclusive.  After all, the Ten Commandments form the ethical basis of the world’s three great…

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