In this time of questioning the moral compass of the business community it is nice to see that some students have signed a self imposed a moral code for students in MBA programs.  This summer I spoke at the Chautauqua Institute on the Ethics of Capitalism where the question of how to instill values into…

The racism of the right is getting louder and meaner as the Presidency of Barack Obama rounds the half way mark of the first year.  Defying his racist detractors, President Obama is about to invite a white cop and a black professor to the white house for racial reconciliation talks – proving once again that he is…

There is a great post over on faithfuldemocrats about the unfortunately decision by Liberty University to revoke the charter for it’s college Democrats b/c the Democratic platform was unChristian.  Check it out, and then join the facebook petition to reinstate the College Dems.

President Obama has been in office 100 days and apparently that means that we get to evaluate him.  I don’t know when this time frame was established but 100 days doesn’t even equal a semester so it seems pretty early to be giving “report cards.”  However, why not weigh in on how it is going? …

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