William Martin is a Senior Fellow for Religion and Public Policy at the James A. Baker Institute for Public Policy at Rice University   First, consider the relevant facts:   The sharing of needles by injecting drug users contributes significantly to the spread of blood-borne diseases, most notably HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C.   Treatment of…

Despite media hype to the contrary, the proposed rule by the Obama administration to rescind the midnight Bush “conscience” regulation governing health care providers actually does respect the conscience and religious freedom of those in the industry who object to providing medical treatments on religious or moral grounds. In fact, all the proposed rule does…

“Corrective” rape is on the rise in South Africa.  For those of you who are not familiar with the term (like me until today) “corrective” rape is when men gang rape lesbians in order for them to become straight.   Watch this heart rendering video of women talking about their stories. The Guardian talked to…

Gov. Kathleen Sebelius’s nomination for HHS has largely focused on her abortion record thanks to a concerted effort by ultra conservatives such as the Catholic League’s Bill Donohue who said:  “Sebelius’ support for abortion is so far off-the-charts that she has been publicly criticized by the last three archbishops of Kansas City. . . .Just…

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