Lisa Sharon Harper is executive director of New York Faith & Justice and the author of Evangelical Does Not Equal Republican … or Democrat   If the Republican Convention was American Idol and Palin’s speech was a rock ballad, Palin would be preparing for next week’s big sing-off right about now. But this is NOT…

There’s been a lot of discussion here at Beliefnet and elsewhere about the variable impact of cultural issues like abortion in the current presidential campaign.  And it’s safe to say most Democrats have concluded that Barack Obama’s prospects for victory depend in no small part on making the contest turn on economic rather than cultural…

The furious division in Catholicism over abortion and the presidential election grows wider. But to what end? A front-page story in today’s New York Times is titled, “Abortion Issue Again Dividing Catholic Votes,” and yet evidence of how that is happening is scant, and evidence that abortion could even be masking issues of race (and…

The turmoil on Wall Street is continuing, and even though it is closer to me than even Russia is to Alaska, I understand less than little about economics. And yet the human toll of the crashes and crises is poignantly clear, and is spreading.  Can the religious community have a voice in fixing this? Or is it just a…

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