Steve Waldman, Editor in Chief of Beliefnet has another interesting post on his blog.  He is wondering “Is The Ninth Commandment A Lesser One?” and if the McCain camp is practicing moral relativism.  You can read his post below: Several conservatives have been willing to criticize McCain for his dishonest campaign ads. Rod Dreher said the McCain lipstick ad…

How is it that many, from left to right, who believe and argue that “values” and religion play a primary role in driving voting choices don’t equate “economic” issues and concerns as values-driven?   How is it that those who are hostile toward religious and values voters point to polls showcasing voters focus mostly on “economic”…

The “Obama Waffles” episode illustrates the racism that everyone knew would surface around the murky edges of the pro-McCain campaign.  That was inevitable.  What should not be inevitable and certainly not tolerated is that evangelical Christians play a role in such racism.   (For three days the “Obama Waffles” were sold at a Values Voter…

I became an Obama supporter because his candidacy and vision for America filled me with a feeling that no politician in my lifetime had inspired – hope. The hope that fueled my support for Senator Obama to be elected president was not sunny corporate optimism or dreamy utopian fantasy, but rather a desire to have a leader who…

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