On August 16th, Saddleback Church is sponsoring Senators Obama and McCain for their first joint event of the campaign, the Saddleback Civil Forum on Leadership and Compassion. Some on the far right have expressed concern that the Pastor of Saddleback Church, Rev. Rick Warren, is under tremendous pressure not to put Senator Obama on the…

I’m less certain than Mara Vanderslice that John McCain’s recent pattern of decrying Barack Obama’s “messianism” is a deliberate effort to label him as the Antichrist.  It’s not that I consider Team McCain incapable of “dog whistle” appeals to the Christian Right; their candidate has certainly mastered those dark arts in a variety of abstract references to his hatred of “judicial…

Former Senator Rick Santorum described Obama’s faith as “phony” and went on to challenge the authenticity of liberal Christianity in general: “When you take a salvation story and turn it into a liberation story you’ve abandoned Christiandom and I don’t think you have a right to claim it.”

While one new poll has Obama beating McCain among white working class voters (remember, the ones Obama was supposedly unable to attract), another poll has McCain pulling ahead nationally. From TalkingPointsMemo.com: In short, the recent mudslinging in the campaign may well have played in McCain’s favor. Obama has not dipped from his usual range, but…

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