Senator Obama had a good night at Ole Miss. He dominated the opening discussion on the economy and held his own during the discussion on foreign affairs. Translation: signficant night for Senator Obama. I appreciate the fact that Senator McCain is opposed to ear-marks. If fact, after tonight, Senator McCain seemingly believes that our future…

Do the hot-button culture war issues like abortion and gay marriage matter? If you read only blogs or the news coverage (such as this NYTimes story, “Abortion Issue Again Dividing Catholics”) you might get the impression that these are the central issues, and indeed the key to victory for McCain or Obama in November. Think…

Much will be written today–and rightfully so–about 9/11 and what that day meant to our country.  As with many Americans, it was a day that had a deep and emotional effect on me, but in the years since, I have found myself thinking back on and regretting September 12 even more.  To explain why, I…

Thursday is the seventh anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and the crashed airliner in Shanksville, Pa., an observance that will bring renewed focus on relations between Islam and the West. But the following day, Friday, Sept. 12, will mark two years since “9/12,” the date when Pope Benedict…

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