Progressive Revival

Republicans called heath care reform Obama’s Waterloo but it is their own downfall they should be wary of. On a conference call with the same conservative group that brought us the lame tea bagging on tax day, South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint said: “If we’re able to stop Obama on this it will be his Waterloo.…

Walter Cronkite’s death reminds us how full one person’s life can be if he puts his mind to it.  For most of us, Cronkite was a news man and the most important anchor person (and most trusted man) in America in the second half of the 20th century.  He was also a man with political and religious opinions. Among…

For the last month, I’ve been in Australia and only occasionally heard news from the United States.  I haven’t minded too much missing arguments over health care and the Supreme Court confirmation hearings.  But I have fretted about missing the General Convention of the Episcopal Church–my own denomination’s triennium meeting now happening in Anaheim. I…

It looks like the Episcopal Church is going to lift its ban on gay bishops.This is great news for those of us who support equal rights of gays and lesbians to serve at the highest office in any political or religious sphere.  The only requirement should be that they demonstrate that God has given them…

I’m sick of the constant harping on Judge Sonia Sotomayor’s ‘Wise Latina’ comment.  Jeff Sessions, the Senator from the great state of Alabama (‘everybody knows about Alabama’ -Nina Simone) made reference to it again in his opening/opposing statement at Sotomayor’s confirmation hearings today.  The sentence, for those of you who haven’t been following the obsession, goes…

Gay people and their allies should take the occasion of the NAACP’s centennial to celebrate the NAACP’s century of accomplishments and recommit to supporting the organization and its objectives of ending racism in America.   Why? I’ll give you three reasons. 1) The NAACP provides an example of endurance against horrible odds to create equal rights for African American…

Were any of the Wall Street scam artists and greed mongers who led our country and world into economic meltdown Roman Catholics?  If so, will they receive communion?   The New York Times reports on the Encyclical Letter Caritas in Veritate…On Integral Human Development in Charity and Truth released today by the Vatican. In it Pope Benedict …

Explanatory Note from Rabbi Lerner: Why I Signed This Very Weak Statement         On the one hand, I wanted the Network of Spiritual Progressives to be included in a list of some of the most important religious forces in the U.S. I was honored that we had been invited to be among them.  On the…

The clerics of Iran are not of one mind on the recent Iranian election and voter fraud.  In fact they are deeply divided. The New York Times reported that in the religiously important town of Qum there is a group of clergy called the Association of Researchers and Teachers of Qum who issued a statement defying Ayatolla…

On July Fourth many of us attend parades that, in addition to the local chamber of commerce float, include men, boys and sometimes girls dressed in soldier costumes reminiscent of the war that brought the colonies independence from the British.  Reading about this war we know that it was brutal, horrifying and left serious deprivation…

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