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Progressive Revival
Progressive Revival
The Power of Prayer
Renita Weems
Sure, Barack Obama’s choice of Rick Warren for the inaugural prayer proves nothing more probably than that Obama is a consummate politician. Obama will do what he has to do to win over voters. And he’s probably figured out that letting Warren pray at the inauguration is a safe gesture and a symbolic way to…
Warren, Cizik, Obama, left, right, pro, anti, etc.
Brian McLaren
What a fascinating time to be alive. Here we are … about to celebrate the 2008th anniversary of Jesus’ birth, and a whole bunch of us are still squabbling like cats and dogs about what it means to be a follower of Jesus, proving – to a lot of people – that we haven’t got…
Marianne Williamson
Somebody needs to explain this to me, because I must be dumb: Rick Warren was somehow an inclusive choice to deliver the Invocation at the Inauguration? Let’s look for a moment at what an invocation is. It’s that moment when the walls between us are supposed to melt, when we move beyond the mind and…
Rich and Rick: A Post-Partisan Parable
Diana Butler Bass
This week’s two major religion stories revolved around Rich and Rick–Rich Cizik and Rick Warren–and point out the uncomfortable but spiritually challenging direction President-elect Obama may be pushing religious communities with his post-partisan vision for America. For more than a century, American Protestantism has been as divided as American politics. Two camps–modernists and fundamentalists (a.k.a.…
Inaugural Invocation
Paul Raushenbush
Barack Obama has selected Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at the inauguration. The choice of Warren is in line with other Obama appointments meant to bring a broad spectrum of viewpoints to the same table. The patchwork of oddly opposing theological and social views held by Warren makes him a good, safe, political choice. Everyone can…
Why does public campaign financing matter?
Aziz Poonawalla
An editorial in the Washington Post argues, counter-intuitively, that Barack Obama’s fundraising success over the internet is not a death-knell for the public financing system, but rather all the more reason to reform it: According to an analysis by the nonpartisan Campaign Finance Institute of the fundraising totals through August 2008, the percentage of people…
Letter of Appreciation for Richard Cizik
Paul Raushenbush
December 16, 2008 Leith AndersonPresidentNational Association of Evangelicals Dear Leith, We know Richard Cizik’s departure from the National Association of Evangelicals has been difficult for you, him and the organization. Effective leadership is not easy, and we write to reach out to you in Christian friendship. We respect the right of the NAE to select…
Rick Warren and the Social Gospel
Paul Raushenbush
“Historically evangelicals and mainline protestants were all in one group. Along about the beginning of the 20th century there were some protestant theologians who started using the term social gospel. What they meant by that was you don’t really need to care about Jesus’ personal salvation any more. You don’t really have to care about…
Sick of Rick
Paul Raushenbush
Ok, I admit it. I have Rick Warren fatigue. It’s not that there aren’t thing to admire about the mega pastor. He is reported to have delivered my favorite slam of prosperity gospel (“the only people getting rich from prosperity preaching are the preachers”); and he and his wife have done well to wake up evangelicals…
Rich Cizik – A Pioneer for New Evangelicals
Paul Raushenbush
Statement by Jim Wallis, president of Sojourners Rich Cizik has been a pioneer in the “new evangelical” movement and a real hero, especially to the next generation of young believers. Rich has helped lead the way to putting “creation care” and climate change on the mainstream agenda of the evangelical movement. His pilgrimage to a…
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