Progressive Revival

Thank you everyone for your emails and response to my earlier blog post on McCain’s “The One” ad.  The McCain campaign has said that they meant the ad to be humorous.  But make no mistake about it: this ad is directed at Christians with a very dark message. Please join us in asking John McCain…

On August 16th, Saddleback Church is sponsoring Senators Obama and McCain for their first joint event of the campaign, the Saddleback Civil Forum on Leadership and Compassion. Some on the far right have expressed concern that the Pastor of Saddleback Church, Rev. Rick Warren, is under tremendous pressure not to put Senator Obama on the…

I’m less certain than Mara Vanderslice that John McCain’s recent pattern of decrying Barack Obama’s “messianism” is a deliberate effort to label him as the Antichrist.  It’s not that I consider Team McCain incapable of “dog whistle” appeals to the Christian Right; their candidate has certainly mastered those dark arts in a variety of abstract references to his hatred of “judicial…

Former Senator Rick Santorum described Obama’s faith as “phony” and went on to challenge the authenticity of liberal Christianity in general: “When you take a salvation story and turn it into a liberation story you’ve abandoned Christiandom and I don’t think you have a right to claim it.”

While one new poll has Obama beating McCain among white working class voters (remember, the ones Obama was supposedly unable to attract), another poll has McCain pulling ahead nationally. From In short, the recent mudslinging in the campaign may well have played in McCain’s favor. Obama has not dipped from his usual range, but…

I don’t know about you- but I found this McCain campaign ad “The One” to be one of the most offensive ads we have seen in American politics to date.     At best, this ad implies that those who plan to support Senator Obama are looking for a new savior or a replacement Messiah.  But many are reading…

This week, after coming under fire for censorship, the Chinese government lifted blocks on some websites banned to foreign journalists in Beijing covering the Olympics. As reported in Xinhua, President Hu Jintao participated in a rare joint interview with the foreign press on Friday, offering the following statement: “It is inevitable that people hold divergent…

I suppose we can blame Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity and the other hit-and-run talk-show hosts on the far right – hey, why not? – for the denigration of the term “liberal.” You can hear the sneer in their voices whenever they invoke the word. Liberals, in their warped and myopic view of the…

There’s been a lot of talk in the chattering classes lately about the political impact of the two major political parties’ exact positioning on abortion policy among Catholic voters.  Michael Sean Winters argues in the New Republic, for example, that Kathleen Sebelius’ stormy relationship with her bishop on abortion issues makes her a less likely veep…

Wow, that was quick; we’re barely open for business and already we’ve been tagged as insufficiently progressive – not based on anything we’ve written, mind you, but on what we might write. Only, can we really not work together first and feud later? Are we so overstaffed in the fight for fundamental change that none…

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