Progressive Revival

Earlier today, I wondered if the President would return to hope in tonight’s health care speech.  He did.  And he did even more. President Obama made the moral case for health care reform by appealing to the best aspects of American character, reminding us of our history, and by making people accountable for their actions.  …

I was too young to remember President John F. Kennedy.  My mother worked on his campaign and hauled her baby (me) along with her to pass out literature.  She assures me that one of my first words was “k-e-n-d-y.”  I was barely four when he was shot.  Years later, I asked my mother what was…

In case you didn’t see this:

Andy Ostroy over at Huffingtonpost discovered the ‘real’ text of President Obama’s talk to students.  The White House on Monday released the text of President Barack Obama’s highly controversial speech to the nation’s school children Tuesday. As expected and feared by those on the right, the speech, I’m embarrassed to say, is truly shameful and…

On this Labor Day try something different – pray for rights and justice for all who work and the dignity and the success of all who are seeking work.   Creating God,  You made the heavens and the earth and your work was Good and we praise you. May we continue your good work through our own…

George Hunsinger teaches at Princeton Theological Seminary.  He is the Founder of the National Religious Campaign Against Torture (   Since the signing of the Executive Orders in January 2009, the record of the new administration on torture has been very mixed.  Important memos have been released that only add to the presure for investigating the…

I found this article over at Religion Dispatches about how conservatives Catholics are cafeteria Catholics in their own way:  “Cafeteria Catholics” is a term often used by conservatives to describe members of the church who are not in alignment with Church teaching on every issue. Using this term, conservatives claim that liberals are too willing to…

In this time of questioning the moral compass of the business community it is nice to see that some students have signed a self imposed a moral code for students in MBA programs.  This summer I spoke at the Chautauqua Institute on the Ethics of Capitalism where the question of how to instill values into…

John Gehring is Senior Writer and Deputy Communications Director for Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good. As the nation mourns the loss of Sen. Ted Kennedy, there is no more fitting way to honor the legacy of this prolific public servant than by fulfilling what he called the “cause of my life.” Kennedy’s impassioned…

The Reverend Chloe Breyer is the Director of the Interfaith Center in New York City. Whether advocating for the Americans with Disabilities Act, The Family and Medical Leave Act, the Head Start Expansion Act, or the Fair Housing Amendment, Senator Kennedy worked to make sure no American was left behind. Some of the legislation he…

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