Progressive Revival

Katherine Marshall is a senior fellow at Georgetown’s Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs, a Visiting Professor, and a senior advisor for the World Bank. Cross posted from WashingtonPost’s Georgetown On Faith. Hospital waiting rooms are glum places pretty much everywhere. People, sick or injured, wait and wait and wait. Nowhere are the…

Yesterday, Ed Schultz posed a question on both his radio program and his MSNBC show:  Where is the religious community on health care?  Ed, a Christian who admits he is not a regular churchgoer, sees the issue in pretty simple terms.  Jesus healed the sick.  For free.  Period.  Why aren’t churches out on the front…

John Gehring is Deputy Communications Director and Senior Writer for Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good   It’s not every day you see a commentary penned by a Catholic priest with this headline: Bishops Wrong: Health Care Not a Right. Feel free to read that again. First time around I thought I blinked and…

The last and only public policy debate we had about health care and end of life issues was the Terri Schiavo case. No wonder the conversation has turned hysterical.  End of life medical ethics are not abstract.  All of us will have to answer the question of how far we will go to keep ourselves and…

Jim Wallis wrote a great piece in Huffingtonpost on the latest lying by the religous and non- religious right in regards to health care reform: I have said that one important moral principle for the health care debate is truth-telling. For decades, the physical health and well-being of our country has been a proxy battle…

People often ask me why I don’t blog more often in the crucible of the news cycle when an issue is “hot.”  My friends and editors are always trying to get me to speed up–as I tend to be slow with my words.  Last week, for example, I was quiet as the war of words…

The racism of the right is getting louder and meaner as the Presidency of Barack Obama rounds the half way mark of the first year.  Defying his racist detractors, President Obama is about to invite a white cop and a black professor to the white house for racial reconciliation talks – proving once again that he is…

The time to fight for a public option healthcare program is now.  As reported on the Huffington Post, the Senate finance committee has offered a bi-partisan proposal that would drop the public option for health care: These officials said participants were on track to exclude a requirement many congressional Democrats seek for large businesses to…

I think President Obama was right to soften the tone of his statement the other day on the Gates arrest incident; the word “stupid” wasn’t a helpful word choice. But the word, I think, accurately describes the reaction of a lot of white male commentators to the incident. Let’s assume (for a minute, anyway) that…

Three news stories in recent days point to significant change in the landscape of North American religion.  For decades now, the conventional wisdom about church growth has been that only conservative churches–those that take the Bible literally and embrace conservative politics–could grow.  But it appears that conventional wisdom is being seriously questioned. Take a look at…

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