Or, pro-choice voters as Muslim invaders? I don’t know if Bishop Robert Finn of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph wanted to go there, but he did, in his latest column in the diocesan newspaper: “Our Catholic moral principles teach that a candidate’s promise of economic prosperity is insufficient to justify their constant support of…

It continues…Memphis Bishop Terry Steib this week called on Catholics not to be “one-issue” voters, in contrast to Denver Archbishop Charles Chaput (whose latest comments in a talk titled “Little Murders” were especially strong) and some others. Steib, in this NCR piece, says “We must recognize that God through the Church, is calling us to be prophetic in…

“The Catholic case for Barack Obama” has rarely been put so convincingly as it is in this Newsweek essay. Or, at least, a case for voting freely, according to one’s conscience and the range of issues. The argument is made by three leading Catholic legal and theological scholars, Nicholas P. Cafardi, M. Cathleen Kaveny and…

That might be heresy to some in the Catholic universe, but the argument has much to be said for it–though don’t expect Cardinal Edward M. Egan to be making that claim at tonight’s Al Smith Dinner. The quadrennial white-tie gala fundraiser at New York’s Waldorf Astoria is a glitzy affair and a rare combat-free zone…

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