Wives of politicans are supposed to cast light on a different side of their husbands.  In the tough and tumble world of politics where candidates are expected to be tough and unblinking, voters (according to conventional wisdom) want to be assured that the candidate has a softer, regular-guy side also. One that only his wife and children can prove that’s there. That’s what…

Advance applause goes to the Democratic National Convention Committee for its decision to include Sister Helen Prejean author of Dead Man Walking in the historic interfaith service opening the 2008 Democratic Convention in Denver on August 24th.    Whatever you think of the death penalty, Democrats have on this occasion avoided the interfaith milquetoast trap.…

Thank you everyone for your emails and response to my earlier blog post on McCain’s “The One” ad.  The McCain campaign has said that they meant the ad to be humorous.  But make no mistake about it: this ad is directed at Christians with a very dark message. Please join us in asking John McCain…

Just last week my cousin from Texas, whom I have not heard from for many years, forwarded me one of those emails. You know the ones that so many of us have gotten with the smears and lies about Senator Barack Obama: “Barack Obama supports infanticide.” “Barack Obama was sworn in on the Koran.”  “Barack Obama…

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