In the world of faith, folks often point out the obvious fact that God does not belong to a particular creed, religion, race, or school of philosophy. This sentiment establishes the divine as one which transcends divisive terms of affiliation. But I am here to announce that a brief exploration of at least two religious…

I did something last night with my wife that we haven’t done in a very long time… Okay, not from that far back, but it certainly feels that way. Last night, we had a date night. No kids, no blog, phones tucked away, and all focus on each other. Well, each other and my pitcher…

Today marks my official declaration of fidelity and discipleship to the Path of Immersion. Along with that declaration, I also invite you to join me in whatever capacity feels the most suitable. The Path of Immersion is not one which demands conversion, evangelism, worship, or exclusivity. Along this path, I am no master, for there are…

When I converted to Christianity at the age of 15, I assumed the faith with a passionate resolve. Despite the positive instruction from my pastor and others, I (for reasons I cannot explain) transformed into a fiery evangelist, launching Christianity at friends and strangers like salvos of religious artillery. I believe that is partially why…

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