One of the most pervasive jokes about United States Marines is how neat and particular they are. Nowhere is this concept more pronounced than Basic Training. Everything must be just so: Your rack (bunk or bed) must be made to certain dimensions, boots shined (when they used black “jungle boots”) to a specific sheen, your…

My oldest daughter has a security blanket named “Pooh.” It’s actually a fitted bed sheet (what’s left of it) with a “Winnie the Pooh” print that went over her crib and she’s carried it around since she could crawl. Sometimes it’s a scarf, other times it’s a parachute, but it always represents her sense of security…

Hands down, my favorite part of Marine Corps. Basic Training was drill. Performing rifle movements, marching patterns, singing cadences…and of all those things, the evening jog cadence with our Senior Drill Instructor is what I miss most. I still remember the Marine Corps. Hymn–a short composition which speaks about the history and mentality of the United…

In Flann O’Brien’s literary masterpiece, At Swim-Two-Birds, the protagonist is a young writer whose own characters conspire against him in order to determine their own fates. The insurgency falls apart only after the young protagonist, at the end of the novel, completes his college exams. When I started Project Conversion in January of this year, I wasn’t…

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