Still plugging away on the book, Red Letters, which is due in a week. Yes, you can pray for me.

Talk about kicking an innocent child when they are down. I was sickened by the information that’s in this article. If it’s not enough to be orphaned because of AIDS, imagine an innocent 3 year old child being accused of bewitching his parents to death by the people in his own community. To me this is an incredible case of mass ignorance and outright evil. God help our world…

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©    M.Sayagues/PlusNews

It can take years to rehabilitate children accused of witchcraft

– A three-year old HIV-positive child, who was also suffering from
malaria, was accused by neighbours of using witchcraft to kill his
parents and abandoned in a coop, where scavenging chickens pecked him,
blinding him in one eye.

Other villagers, hearing of his plight,
rescued him and turned for help to Rev Horácio Caballero, of the
Arnaldo Janssen Centre in the capital, Luanda, but the toddler died
while the paperwork was being completed for him to receive medical
treatment in Spain.

Reports of children accused of witchcraft
are common in parts of northern Angola: between 2001 and 2005, 423
children accused of witchcraft sought refuge at the Santa Child Centre
run by the Catholic Church in M’banza Congo, the capital of Zaire
Province, on the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC),
while others fled their accusers, only to end up on the streets of
Read the rest of the article here.

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