Friends and Bloggers: This is very IMPORTANT!
My friend Patton Dodd of and I have linked our respective organizations for the month of November to raise money for orphans, generate conversation about poverty, and give away a trip to Africa.
All month, Beliefnet and CHC are encouraging people to donate through a charity badge.
We’d like to raise $500/day. People can also enter a contest (whether they donate or not) to win a free trip to Africa.
Sometime in 2009, the winner will accompany me on a HopeChest Vision Trip in Africa. Full details can be found by clicking here.
We need your help. Please get the word out via your blogs, load the charity badge onto your site (the code is below), email your friends, and sound the horn however you can. If you don’t have a blog, you can post something on your website or you can guest blog on mine or Daniel’s blogs.
And when you write a post (or posts) about orphans and poverty, email the link to Patton ([email protected]) and Daniel ([email protected]) and we will connect it all on Beliefnet.
The contest is running now, so get the word out today!
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<!– The JavaScript Source!! –>
<!– Original: Russ ([email protected]) –>
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function copyit(theField) {
var tempval=eval("document."+theField)
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The code should look like this on your blog:
Thanks so much for helping us with this initiative as we respond to God’s heart for the poor.