Kari Gibson posted this behind the scenes look our Shirts for Shoes production line…straight from her dining room. Thanks Kari for this great update and the final tally…over 800 shirts. Thanks to each of you who participated by purchasing a shirt. If you missed the deadline, but still want to make a gift in honor…

I'm excited to tell you the Family Christian Stores has selected Red Letters: Living a Faith that Bleeds as their Member only title for the month of February. You can pick this book up for only $5 for a limited time at the front counter so buy a ton! Proceeds from the book help to benefit orphans through The…

Amazing. When we started, we thought we'd sell about 400 shirts and help all of the younger orphans in our programs. When we passed 400 with a week left, we thought maybe we'd get to 600 and could help some more of the older kids. The final tally: 782 shirts. Amazing. Thank you. Right now…

Two weeks and 700 shirts later, today is the last day you can order an exclusive HopeChest T-Shirt as a Valentines Day gift. At 12 noon, central time,  the “Shirts for Shoes” Valentines Day campaign will officially end.   We started out with a goal to sell 400 shirts. I think it's possible we could…

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