This is happening across the globe. Fox News just released this report: “Russian supermodels are at a record high — but some hopeful young models in the former Soviet Union were being pushed into underage sex and escort work, Sky News reported Tuesday. Young women from struggling families were inspired by the likes of successful Russian supermodel…

Kuymandi Community Project from Tom Davis on Vimeo. One of the gorgeous places on earth, along with some beautiful kids. A stark contrast to the reality of life in Capetown. In this community, there were also dead rats laying around. I can’t imagine one of my kids having to live like this. That’s why we…

I didn’t realize the depth of the universality of soccer. In other worldwide sporting events–like the Olympics–you are there to root for the home country. And with few exceptions that cheering is done enthusiastically–but not what I could call “fanatical.” Everything about the World Cup can be described as manic, fanatical, and over-the-top. It defies…

Earlier this week I blogged about how we tend to approach poverty in the aggregate, using abstract and enormous statistics. [Original Post] Last month, one of our staff members visited a classroom of 170 orphans and vulnerable children. So many children packed this room, she had to take two photos–and that still didn’t capture all…

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