3.8 million.

Although South Africa is the most developed nation on the African continent, nearly 60% of the population lives on less than $1.25 each day.

Here are some of the faces of those 3.8 million children that Children’s HopeChest is working with in South Africa.


The Challenge of South Africa

South Africa is a country of extreme beauty with metropolitan cities
such as Capetown, Durban and Johannesburg.  Developed, thriving industry
and tourism might lead the average on-looker to believe that all is
well, yet in the shadows of theses cities are all the challenges that
exist in other African nations.  HIV/AIDS, malnutrition, tuberculosis
and death are a way of life for the nearly 3.8 million orphans of South

South Africa has been significantly impacted by HIV/AIDS.  An
estimated 5.7 million people in South Africa have the disease (roughly
12% of the population).  Approximately 1,000 new infections occur each
day with 350,000 AIDS related death annually*.

The nation of South Africa has the distinction of being the
wealthiest most developed African nation, yet 61% of its people still
live within the grasp of extreme poverty.  In this post apartheid era
millions of South Africans eke out an existence and survival is an
everyday struggle.

The HopeChest Solution

In response to the significant challenges facing the nation of South
Africa, Children’s HopeChest approached Focus on the Family, US to begin
an orphan care initiative in partnership with Focus on the Family

We will employ a three phased approach of survive, thrive and
succeed.   Our approach will take orphaned and vulnerable children in
our care, from assistance with most basic necessities of life (food,
clean water, and proper sanitation) to opportunities to break the cycles
of poverty through job training and micro-enterprise opportunities.

We will look to develop CarePoints in communities with high orphan
populations and partner with local community leadership to ensure that
those who are in the most desperate of circumstances are offered access
to food, clean water,  proper sanitation, and spiritual development.

Africa Data

  • 18.1 % of the 15-49 year old population is infected with HIV/AIDS
  • 5.7 million HIV-infected individuals in SA
  • There are approximately 3.8 million children who have lost one or
    both parents
  • South Africa has 0.7% of the world’s population, 17% of the global
    HIV epidemic, and 28% of global HIV and TB co-infected people.
  • Unemployment: 21.9%.
  • Population (2007, 47.9 million): Composition–black 79.7%; white
    9.1%; colored 8.8%; Asian (Indian) 2.2%. Official figures from 2007
    South African Census
  • Infant mortality rate 5.8%
  • Life expectancy–52 yrs. women; 49 yrs.
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