We are starting to hear more and more about the number of girls being trafficked in the US – as young as seventh grade. How can this be going on you ask? Because traffickers are proactively seeking vulnerable girls with family problems and low self-esteem. They befriend them, buy them fancy things, then the trap…

I dare you to read this post on how we use the power we’ve been given and compare it to how Jesus taught us to use power. This brings us back to the question addressed in my last post, How We Can Change the World. Hunter’s essay II moves into these questions of power. Where does power…

Scot McKnight posted an intriguing post on trafficking and justice and trafficking. A slight warning, this is real and raw. Be careful as you read. This piece was written by: Professor David Opderbeck. Somewhere in America right now, there is a little girl locked in a dog cage.  A man will bind her with duct tape.  The…

For those of us who are doing what we can to make the world a better place, this is a short, remarkable video by N.T. Wright about reflecting God’s image in the world. Let this be an encouragement to all of you who are helping others, caring for the poor, adopting, and loving the least…

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