The ongoing drama of WikiLeaks continues today with the news from WikiLeaks that a “secret U.S. grand jury” is seeking the Twitter data of Julian Assange and three other WikiLeaks supporters.

After publishing the 250,000+ WikiLeaks cables, U.S. intelligence and diplomatic personnel were put at risk and some relocated. WikiLeaks seems unfazed by this.

Next, Bank of America suspends payments to WikiLeaks. So does MasterCard and PayPal. Then, Apple removes WikiLeaks program from App Store.

Amid the condemnation of their actions, Assange and supporters assert the rightness of their cause in quotes like this one: “The aim of Wikileaks is to achieve just reform around the world and do it through the mechanism of transparency.”

Their methods appear that it is anarchy–not transparency–that they are after. And, many Americans disagree with Assange and think publishing those cables damaged America, our allies, and our efforts in the world.

Yet, Christians seem muted in their response, except to use the WikiLeaks document dump to support something else. For example, Jordan Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice cites the WikiLeaks documents extensively in this article on why a nuclear Iran unites the Muslim world, the US and Israel.

Does this story matter to Christians? And should it?

Is there anything Christians have to learn from this? Submission to authorities? Although Assange is not, what does this tell us about following God’s Word? Would we be as devoted to Jesus’ Gospel as Assange is to his own?

Do Christians think this tale is cautionary for them? Here a group of committed people, following a course of action they think is right, being brought to justice as enemies of the U.S. I do not ask this to fuel conspiracy, just debate, but is it far-fetched to ask if this could happen to Christians under the right circumstances?

So what would you do?

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