This Christmas, I’ve been thinking about how easy it is to become  fatigued.  When we are motivated to action by some severe need we stand up and do something on behalf of the extremely poor. But the next time we hear that need…it doesn’t pack the same emotional punch. We’ve heard these things again, and…

The Adacar CarePoint has experienced dramatic transformation over the past two years because of the partnership of Southside Church and their many sponsors. There is no doubt that Southside has changed the story for hundreds of orphans in this community. Just take a look at this video to see all that is being accomplished there.…

What is the most important trait of a strong leader? Vision? Decisiveness? A Good Manager? Gilbert Fairholm believes it’s spirituality and I agree with him. “Spirituality is the essence of who we are. It is about our inner self, separate from the body. It includes the way we think and the thoughts we think, as…

Simple. Original. One-of-a-kind. Every Christmas gift should be as compelling as a personalized family sign from Established Signs. This Christmas, you can purchase an “Established Sign” for your family that includes your family’s name and the date it was established. Pretty simple and original. Each piece is handmade and completely unique. Best part: The proceeds of your…

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