How would you help kids in need?

Hosanna Lutheran Church asked their kids to answer this question as part of their “Kids Matter” sermon series, and shared the answers in this video. This weekend was important for HopeChest, because Hosanna the church was also launching their sponsorship of Hosanna the CarePoint in Ethiopia.

We started the weekend with 300 available children. And by the end of the second service on Sunday, all 300 kids were sponsored. 

Kids do matter. Kids here, kids around the world, kids everywhere.


As was pointed out in the sermon, Jesus teaches that we must become “like little children” to understand the kingdom of God. And also to not look down on children because their angels are constantly watching over them.

If you’ve spent any time around children, you get the sense that they truly are in touch with the wonder and endless possibility of God. Their faith is so limitless.

Wonder, imagination, creativity…these are all things we tend to lose as we become “grownups.” But Jesus teaches otherwise…that kids teach us what God’s really like. That looking at God through a child’s eyes is really the right perspective.

You can see the Hosanna Church kids answer the question about how they would help kids in need around the world.

Thanks to all the great people at Hosanna for reminding us that Kids Matter, and then getting 300 kids sponsored in one day.
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